IndustryPack® Carriers - Adapt IndustryPack Modules to PCI

1/2 size PCI card with 3 IndustryPack® compatible slots. Separate clock controls, filtered fused power, reset switch, LED´s.

PCI card with 5 Industrypack compatible positions. Separate clock controls, filtered fused power, reset switch, LED´s, user dip-switch.
PMC Carriers - Adapt PMC Modules to PCI

1/2 length PCI adapter carrier card with PMC mounting slot. Front panel and Pn4 IO access. 32 / 64 bit operation.

1/2 length Bridge Based PCI adapter carrier card with PMC mounting position. Front panel and Pn4 IO access. 32 / 64 bit operation. Industrial Temperature components Standard. Fan options.

1/2 length Bridge Based PCI adapter carrier card with PMC mounting slot. Front panel and Pn4 IO access. PCI and or PCI-X operation. Differential matched length Pn4 IO routing

Bridge Based PCI adapter carrier card with two PMC mounting slots. Front panel and Pn4 IO access. PCI and PCI-X compatible Non Transparent Bridge

Install your PMC vertically with the component side exposed for efficient use of your time. Testpoints on the PCI signals plus JTAG and extra grounds(8). SCSI connector to support Pn4 IO. ENG model has both PMC and Carrier side connectors installed to use in your system - expose PCI signals with the PMC attached to the host. Our engineers and manufacturing manager report this device is a real time saver.
PCI-104 Carriers - Adapt PCI-104 Modules to PCI

Use your PC104p or PCI-104 boards in a standard PC. Two orientations supported for production mode and test. Passive design

Use your PC104p or PCI-104 boards in a standard PC. Bridge based design, up to 4 PC104 modules can be mounted.
cPCI Carriers - Adapt cPCI Modules to PCI

Install a cPCI board into a PCI slot. This adapter supports 32-bit PCI operation.

Install a cPCI board into a PCI slot. This adapter supports 64-bit PCI

Install a cPCI board into a PCI slot. This adapter supports 32-bit PCI operation and has J2 IO connected to headers.