Provides a space efficient, low cost method of interconnecting the control electronics to the rest of the sensors, IO, machinery etc. 64 bit ribbon to 64 screw terminal adapter.

SCSI II/III to 68 Terminal positions SCSI II/III adapter to terminal strip with DIN rail and custom termination options

HDEterm100 SCSI 100 to 100 Terminal positions SCSI 100 adapter to terminal strip with DIN rail and custom termination options

VHDCI to 68 Terminal positions, VHDCI adapter to terminal strip with DIN rail option

HDRterm50 HDRterm50 will make your IndustryPack® system inter-connection easy; an interconnection between 50 pin ribbon cable and discrete wiring systems.
1553-Ribbon-Triax will make your IndustryPack® to 1553 system inter-connection easy; an interconnection between 50 pin ribbon cable and Triax connectors. Compatible with IP-1553

The PMC2PCI Adapter/carrier card mounts in a PMC position and provides a PCI slot. 3.3V and 5V slots to choose from. Riser also available for right angle orientation.

cPCI-J2-SCSI Connector board. Tie the PMC Pn4 IO to the rear panel for 3U applications.

Remote mounting solution for PMC. Mini-PCB for host and PMC side with flex cable interconnection.

Adapt 8 ports of differential UART from PMC-BiSerial-VI SCSI based connector systemt to 8 x DB9. Available with DIN rail mounting or direct mount system.

PIM Carrier Host
The PIM Carrier board facilitates 2 PIM´s with rear panel IO in cPCI based systems using PMC´s.

PIM-Universal-IO facilitates rear panel IO in cPCI systems. A PIM Carrier is mounted to the underside of the backplane. The Pn4 "user IO" on the PMC is routed through the host "carrier" board to the backplane is passed through the backplane connectors to the PIM Carrier and to the installed PIM devices. The PIM (PMC Interface Module) carrier supports the flexible PIM scheme for PMC rear I/O. 1:1 model

PIM-Parallel-IO is to facilitates rear panel IO with a specific pinout to bring rear IO to a bezel with the same pinout as the bezel on
PMC-Parallel-IO or
PMC-Parallel-TTL. A PIM Carrier is mounted to the underside of the backplane. The Pn4 [PMC] IO is passed through the backplane connectors to the PIM Carrier and to the installed PIM devices. Most PIM Carriers have two PIM sites which correspond to the two PMC´s mounted to the host card. The PIM (PMC Interface Module) carrier supports the flexible PIM scheme for PMC rear I/O.

Cable-Assembly-Crypto-Tape interconnects to [via carrier IPs are mounted to] IP-Crypto & IP-Tape with ribbon cable and converts to RJ45 for the Crypto Unit and SCSI for the Tape unit. A PCI bezel with labels and cutouts for the two connectors provides a simple and clean interface to the rest of the system.