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PCIe-Harpoon Description

  • Windows®, driver available with purchase
  • DMA capable
  • 24 differential IO Programmable direction and termination. LVDS or RS-485.
  • 20 115V detectors
  • 28 High Side Switches
  • 16 Low Side Switches
  • 20 OptoISO inputs
  • 1 year warranty standard. Extended warranty available.
  • Extended Temperature standard.
  • ROHS and Standard processing available
PCIe-Harpoon is a multi-functional board with capabilites for isolated measurement and control. The initial use of the PCIe-Harpoon is to simulate - act as if the PCIe-Harpoon was another piece of equipment. The simulation provides a means to test the rest of the equipment without requiring the real [expensive] asset. In addition the PCIe-Harpoon can provide status and direct software control of the system.

The hardware is divided into 4 groups - ports or channels. Each channel has the same capabilities and can function independently from the other channels.

Optical Isolation is used to allow for different ground potentials between PCIe-Harpoon and the connected equipment. 5 - 28V DC inputs are provided per channel. The limit resistor on each channel can be changed to provide alternate reference voltages. The base design has direct resister read status for each input. The FPGA can be updated to provide filtering, and/or operation in conjunction with the outputs using a state-machine.

High Side and Low Side Switches are provided. The High Side Switches provide switched power under software control. Each channel has two references that can be controlled with the 7 switches. Optically isolated FETs are utilized for the switching. 1.5A and 60V are the maximum values. The Low Side Switches use the same optically isolated FET and connect the external circuit to ground when enabled by software. The ground is referenced to the IO connector. The 4 channels can be isolated or tied together depending on system requirements.

RS-485 or LVDS transceivers are provided for serial communication. The 6 transceivers per channel are matched length and differentially routed. Each transceiver has separate direction and termination controls. The termination control can switch in or out the 100 ohm parallel termination.

PCIe-Harpoon can support multiple channels or group the transceivers together to make a parallel interface. The base design has a combined RX / TX capability. Three of the transceivers are allocated to RX, and 3 to TX on each channel. Data, Clock, and Enable are received to load new data into PCIe-Harpoon. Data can be automatically transmitted based on the received Enable and Clock. A Master / Test mode feature is provided to allow local loop-back testing or to interface as a master for the bus. Interrupts are supported with programming options.

Each channel has inputs to provide the testing of 115V AC. One 3 phase, and two single phase inputs are provided per channel. The 3 phase inputs can be used for 3 single phase signals if the neutrals are common. The 115V inputs are transformer coupled [blue boxes in photo], rectified and tested to see if the 115V is present. The capacitor used with the DIODE bridge can be reduced in size to allow for frequency testing if that is desired. The output from the rectifier is optically isolated from the FPGA to provide protection.

PCIe-Harpoon is a full size PCIe card. The local PCI interface is 32/50 and can support DMA. The base design is register accessed. The FPGA is a Xilinx Spartan VI with plenty of uncommitted gates to expand capabilities and add new features. Windows® driver available. Cables, Breakouts, and custom cables available. Detailed Hardware and Driver manuals [PDF] available for download.

PCIe-Harpoon Features

Full length PCIe ~12.278" x 4.195" not including bezel and extension [for card guide]
IO Speeds
200 MHz LVDS or 50 MHz Rs 485 transceivers can be installed.
PCIe Speed
4 PCIe lanes, 50+ Mb/sec aggregate sustained on other similar designs with DMA. Base design is register based. 50 MHz local PCI bus implementation.
PCIe Access Width
32 bit operation supported
Software Interface
PCIe registers are read-writeable. LW boundaries.
Transmit and Receive state-machines, plus user programmable interrupts. Status can be polled for non-interrupt driven operation as well.
RS-485 standard, LVDS option, Mixed also available
28V inputs
5 - opto coupled 28V status inputs per channel [20 total]
High Side Switches
7 - opto coupled FET switches per channel 60V, 1.5A max [28 total]
Low Side Switches
4 - opto coupled FET switches per channel 1.5A max [16 total]
115V detection
1 - 3 ph [common nuetral] and 2 - 1 ph [separate nuetral] 115V detectors per channel [20 total]
FPGA has Block RAM available for functions requiring memory.
User programmable PLL with SW support. 2 programmable inputs to FPGA.
DIP switch
An 8 position switch is available to allow for configuration control, multiple PCI SpaceWire boards, and to facilitate integration
Right angle connector through the bezel for Port 0. Ports 1-3 have vertical 50 pin headers. Ejector type optional. Bezel has cable retainer and slot for through the bezel cable routing for Ports 1-3.
Statement of Volatility

PCIe-Harpoon Benefits

PCIe-Harpoon offers PCIe speeds and direct register access to each control or status bit . On the IO side PCIe-Harpoon has independent port functions. All ports can operate at maximum rate in parallel.
PCIe-Harpoon is available with reasonable lead times and price points. Dynamic Engineering features in-house production of our client specific designs to retain quality control and delivery time. Custom versions can be arranged. PCIe-Harpoon is easily programmed to implement new functions. Without the costs of schematic level design, layout, debugging etc. A modified Harpoon will represent a large cost and time savings in your budget.
Ease of Use
PCIe-Harpoon is easy to use. Point and shoot - just fill the hit Auto Start to get your custom protocol transmitting. Reference software helps with integration into your system. Windows® driver(s) and reference SW are available. Linux and VxWorks by request.
PCIe-Harpoon is built to order. Send in your order, and in most cases have your hardware within a short delay. With custom designs a few week design period is usually required. We can support immediately with the std version, then send updated FLASH files later to help get your project going quickly.
PCIe-Harpoon is a standard full length PCIe card, and mostly meets the PCIe mechanical specifications. The rear components are slightly taller than the max height. See HW manual for discussion. PCIe-Harpoon can be in adjacent slots and can be installed next to most other cards.
PCI Compatibility
PCIe-Harpoon is PCI compliant. Internal 50 MHz local bus.
PCIe Compatibility
PCIe-Harpoon is PCIe compliant.

Part Number: PCIe-Harpoon
Ordering Options

  • PCIe-Harpoon Standard board - Standard version with four(4) ports each with Harpoon protocol plus HS and LS switches, OptoISO, and AC power inputs.
    Order combinations of the options by simply adding the extension(s) to your order request.
  • -CC - add Conformal Coating
    -ROHS - add ROHS processing

PCIe-Harpoon Drivers

Software Support is supplied in the form of Windows, Linux, and VxWorks packages. Currently Win10 is supported. Linux and VxWorks by request. See the Manuals tab for currently available models and packages.