ENET-IO is a unique product with features allowing operation in many configurations: stand-alone, remote with Ethernet control, multiple chassis cross-connected with store and forward, local and remote bridging and more.
For example the first version delivered is used by our client to cross connect HDLC based equipment in two different states with the ENET-IO used to convert from HDLC to ethernet, and the internet used to cross connect the devices with the efffect of having the HDLC communicating as if co-located.
We have added man years of effort in the areas of adding an advanced GUI, allowing for direct control, adding bridging functions: load a file with the GUI to a particular node or multicast, capture a file, snoop etc.

ENET-IO currently is built with the PMC-MC series of chassis and motherboards. The -X2 version has two PMC positions and the -X4 has 4 positions. Both motherboard/chassis systems support operation with local power supplies, reverse power protection, PCI connections and termination, Interrupt routing, bus arbitration, clock generation, and in the case of the X4 a secondary power connector suitable for opearating secondary attached equipment. A 2020 based CPU is used in position 0 leaving room for 1-3 PMC´s.
The PMC´s can support whatever IO requirement you have. For example we can install
PMC-BiSerial-VI-UART with 8 channels of differential UART and
PMC SpaceWire allowing independent and cross connected operation of the IO. The command interface whether GUI or direct can configure the CPU to cross connect the channels, capture data, insert data into the stream, forward to another port etc. With the X4 model up to 12 SpaceWire ports can be provided along with the local packet flow control. Please refer to the Models tab to see the standard models and know that we can mix and match IO. Most Dynamic Engineering Linux drivers are designed to allow for integration into this system.
ENET-IO GUI Description