PCI express Gen1 Gen2 Gen3 PCIe XMC switch adapter carrier with two XMC positions PCIe8LXMCX2 xmc pcie adapter converter by Dynamic Engineering - Install XMC into PCIexpress PCIe , XMC bus compatible
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PCIe adapter for XMC with 2 XMC positions

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PCIe8LXMCX2 Description

  • Industrial Temperature
  • PCIe 1-8 Lane Interface
  • 2 XMC Positions with PCIe Interface Supporting Gen1(2.5 Gbps), Gen 2 (5 Gbps), Gen3 (8 GTS) (rev 9+)
  • Plug and Play operation
  • Local Power Supply for 3.3, 5 and -12V Operating from System +12V
  • Full Length PCIe Card
  • "Zero Slot Fan"™ Compatible
  • Bezel I/O and Jn4/Jn6 I/O for both XMCs Connector Bus option.
  • 1 Year Warranty Standard. Extended Warranty Available.
  • ROHS and Standard Processing Available
Embedded applications frequently require real time processing coupled with special purpose IO. With the PCIe8LXMCX2´s two positions a PrXMC can be matched with another XMC to make a high bandwidth processing node. The PrXMC can communicate with the host for set-up, and then use the switch to interconnect with the special purpose IO card. With a local processing node of this nature you can use many in parallel with only one computer to provide the system management. For example - 10 in an expansion chassis without overloading the buses or management system.

Revision 13 PCIe8LXMCX2 now shipping, highlights:
  • Longevity with updated components
  • Improved clock distribution with new clock buffer and location
  • Improved routing to rear IO - DIN option removed.

  • A powerful PCIe 32 lane switch is at the center of the PCIe8LXMCX2 design. The switch has many capabilities including operating from 1-8 lanes, operating at Gen 1, Gen 2 or Gen3 or mixed IO rates, supports lane reversal and polarity inversion. Support for max payload size transfers up to 2048 bytes ea., fully compliant with the PCIe base specification. The switch has 8 PCIe lanes connected to the PCIe "gold fingers" and 8 to each of the XMCs. The PCIe reference clock is buffered with a Gen1/Gen2/Gen3 compatible clock buffer. The clock buffer is specifically designed to handle spread spectrum and rate locked clocking operation. The buffered clocks are routed to the switch and the two XMC positions. A local power supply and heavy filtering insure stable power and reliable operation for the switch. The PCIe lanes to/from the switch are routed per PCIe specifications with matched lengths and impedance control.

    PCIe8LXMCX2 (PCIexpress Bridge PMC 2 slots) adapter / carrier converter card provides the ability to install two XMC cards into a standard PCIe slot. Slots with 8 or more lanes are compatible - 8, or 16 for example. PCIe8LXMCX2 has two XMC card positions. XMC operation with 2.5/5/8 Gbps. PCIe8LXMCX2 can act as a transparent switch or be programmed to allow private operations on the back side [PCIe] bus.

    XMC user IO connector Jn4 or Jn6 from both positions is routed to the IO connector for access (SCSI). In addition, an option is available to use the Connector Bus between the XMC rear IO to allow direct communication between the devices without using PCIe conversion. The signals are isolated with resistors to eliminate stubs and provide for the various rear IO options.. The XMC front panel connector for slot 1 is mounted though the PCIe mounting bracket.

    For superior performance PCIe8LXMCX2 has two cooling cutouts per position for increased airflow to the XMCs. If your application requires a fan you can order PCIe8LXMCX2-FAN( ) to have fans mounted to your PCIe8LXMCX2. FAN positions are numbered 1-4, position 1 is closest to the PCIe Bezel [left edge in the picture above.] One fan can be mounted per position. Fans can be mounted to blow onto the XMC or to pull air from the XMC (R option.)

    The -12V, 5V, and 3.3V for the XMC are regulated on board. The power supply designs utilize switching regulators controlling a MOSFET to convert 12V. An LC filter ensures clean power at the XMC. The Switch/Clock Buffer uses a small amount of 3.3V plus .9V and 1.8V derived from +12. The PCIe gold fingers are rated for 1.1A each, and a total of 5.5A on the +12V rail. 55W are available to the XMCs after power conversion. Please note this is the combined power requirement across the +12, -12, +5, and 3.3V power used by the XMCs. In most cases 55W is sufficient. PCIe8LXMCX2 includes has a cable connector to allow additional 12V power to be added to the card. The two 12V supplies are DIODE coupled. In some cases the 12V supply on the backplane will not be adequately routed by the PC causing voltage sag on the 12V. If this occurs use the cable connector to compensate. With revision 9 this connector is now a standard 2x3 PC connector.

    The power supplies include the bulk capacitance to properly bypass the FETs and post conversion voltage rails. In addition the XMC connectors are bypassed with a .1 uF capacitor at each power pin. The power supplies are checked with voltage monitor circuits. The LEDs are not illuminated unless the voltage is within the defined range. A header is provided to select 5V power on characteristics. The user can select [with shunt] Instant On, Delayed On, and disabled. If your design does not use the rail you can turn it off. If your system enumerates early in the power up cycle you can select instant on. If your system can use the delayed load on the power supply to advantage select delayed. 5V and 3.3V supplies are rated 15A with revision 9. ( Revisions 1-8 were 10A rated)

    The XMC specification calls out "VPWR " which can be either 12V or 5V. PCIe8LXMCX2 has FET switching and a header to allow user selection of either 12V or 5V or neither voltage to be supplied to these 8 pins [per XMC]. The selection is separate per XMC position. Build options are provided to allow "pre selected" voltages on these pins without the headers. The 12V asnd 5V supplied are part of the same power budget mentioned above. It is suggested the user select the rail definition most efficient for use, alternatively based on noise, the 5V will likely be quieter since it is converted on board and isolated from the 3.3V rail.

    The individual pins on the Jn4 (PN4) and Jn6 [Pn6] connectors for each position are accessible by a 68 pin SCSI connector, 64 position DIN connector or the Connector Bus option. The IO are routed with matched length, impedance controlled differential traces suitable for single ended and differential operation. We recommend using our SCSI cable and the HDEterm68 breakout block with the SCSI connector. The industry standard VME IDC [DIN] connector is easy to connect to your system using DINterm64 which is a 64 position terminal strip and the DIN Ribbon Cable 64, a 64 position ribbon cable. The inter-connection from Jn4 and Jn6 to either the SCSI or DIN connectors are documented in the manual. Please see below.

    The XMC JTAG connections for position 0 and position1 are routed to separate headers centrally located between the XMC devices. The second header is available with Revision 09 and later PCBs. Please let us know if you want this header installed. [-JTAG12]

    The PCIe bus does not have a concept of global addressing. A DIPSWITCH is provided to allow the user to select the Global Address on both XMC positions individually.

    PCIe8LXMCX2 Features

    Full size PCIexpress card with 8 lanes interconnected to the XMC positions via 8x8x8 [24 lanes used with 32 lane] switch. 1-8 lane operation. 8+ lane connector compatible.
    XMC compatible slots
    2 XMC positions provided.
    Gen1, Gen2, Gen3 compatible.
    Global Addressing
    Supported with a user DIPSWITCH
    Software Interface
    The switch does not require any user set-up. XMC register definitions as defined by installed hardware. XMC register definitions as defined by installed hardware.
    Local power supplies provide +5(15A), +12, -12V(4A), +3V(15A) available to XMCs with adequate +12V input current. Supplies use industrial temperature components, and thermal spreading power planes. It is recommended to use the FAN option for high power requirement XMCs. User selectable power supply enable{on/off, delayed, not delayed] for 3.3V and 5V supplies
    VPWR for each position can be programmed independently.Ê Options for user selection, or pre-selected to 5V or 12V.
    PCIe8LXMCX2 has cut-outs to support increased airflow over the XMCs component side. Optional fan(s) with two mounting positions per XMC position are available and recommended for many applications.
    PCIe MSI interrupt scheme is supported
    IO Interface
    XMC Bezel IO supported at PCIe bracket. Jn4 / Jn6 "user IO" supported with SCSI at both positions. Connector Bus option also available
    XMC, PCIe specification compliant
    +3V, +5V, 1.0V, +12V, -12V. LEDs on voltages illuminated via monitoring circuits which check that the voltages are within tolerance.
    XMC JTAG connections [both positions] are tied to a labeled header. Add -JTAG12 to part number for this option to be installed.
    Statement of Volatility
    TBD hours. Bellcore. GB 25c
    STEP files are available to support your system integration. Please contact sales@dyneng.com for this option.
    Export Classification
    EAR99, HTS:8537.10.9050

    PCIe8LXMCX2 Benefits

    PCIe8LXMCX2 offers Gen1- Gen3 speeds plus a second XMC position for designs with more than one XMC. Double the IO in one carrier. When local processing is needed, the rear position can be used with a PrXMC and the IO or signal processing in the front position. The Host computer can set-up operation, and then the PrXMC can use the inter-switch connections for high speed data transfer with second XMC.
    Make use of existing XMC designs in PCIe applications without paying for the expense of a new design and layout. Save PCIe slots with two XMCs in one location. Use multiple PCIe8LXMCX2s in parallel without overloading your host processor to reduce system cost.
    Ease of Use
    PCIe8LXMCX2 is easy to use. The XMCs installed are directly controlled via the PCIe lanes.
    The standard versions are built in quantity allowing for rapid addition of "Zero Slot Fans"™ and other options. Send in your order for rapid delivery.
    PCIe8LXMCX2 is a full size PCIe board which conforms to the PCIe mechanical and electrical specifications. Eliminate mechanical interference issues. PCIe8LXMCX2 can be used in all full length PCIe compliant slots. Please check that your computer has a full length slot with the proper PCIe offset card guide support.
    XMC Compatibility
    PCIe8LXMCX2 is XMC compliant per the XMC specification. All Dynamic Engineering XMC Modules are compatible with the PCIe8LXMCX2. All other XMC Modules which are compliant with the XMC specification are compatible with PCIe8LXMCX2
    PCIe Compatibility
    PCIe8LXMCX2 is PCIe compliant. PCIe8LXMCX2 can be expected to work in any PCIe compliant backplane with 8+ lane connectors and full length card positions. PCIe8LXMCX2 has been tested in multiple backplanes.

    Part Number: PCIe8LXMCX2
    Ordering Options

    • PCIe8LXMCX2 Standard board - for a base version (PCIe8LXMCX2-SCSI) and standard processing
    • -FAN( ) Need additional cooling? Order PCIe8LXMCX2-FAN( ) for a pre-installed 12V 5.2CFM fan(s) to maximize cooling and functionality of your card. The fan has been tested with high wattage PrPMC devices. Fan position 1 is closest to the PCIe bezel. Valid Fan options include: (1,1Rz), (2,2Rz), (3,3Rz), (4,4Rz), low profile fans with fan direction toward XMC or pulling air from the XMC [R]. An additional option is to use standard height fans with more LFM. 8 CFM fans are available as rear mount only (add -FAN(1,2,3,4)R to PN for this option)
    • -ROHS Use ROHS processing. Standard processing is "leaded"
    • -CC Option to add Conformal Coating
    • -NC Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with no Rear IO connectors installed. Please note: this version may have Jn4 installed as well as the isolation resistors to the DIN/SCSI locations.
    • -NCexc Order to receive PCIe8LXMCX2 with no IO path - no SCSI, no DIN, no isolation resistors, no Jn4, no Jn6 installed. In case of EMI concerns or other situations where signals on XMC rear IO should be isolated
    • -XIO Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with Jn6 installed as well as Jn4
    • -XIOExc Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with Jn6 installed exclusively [no Jn4]
    • -CB Select one of the IO connector types [std, XIO, XIOExc] plus this option to interconnect the two XMC positions directly. With the default version the IO connectors are not installed. Contact Dynamic Engineering for customized versions with mixed IO and CB options
    • -VPWR5V Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with VPWR forced to 5V instead of user selectable
    • -VPWR12V Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with VPWR forced to 12V instead of user selectable
    • -5VXXX Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with 5V supply forced to (replace XXX) No Delay [ND], Delay[DEL], Off[OFF] instead of user selectable
    • -AP Order to receive a PCIe8LXMCX2 with a high power connector installed for supplemental power. 2x6 Standard PC style power supply cable mate.
    • -JTAG12 Add JTAG headers for position 0 and position1. Located between the XMCs. Silkscreen labels for pins. 2nd site available with Rev08 and later PCB.

    PCIe8LXMCX2 Drivers

    Software Support for PCIe8LXMCX2 is not needed. PCIe8LXMCX2 is a switch based card, the drivers and application SW associated with the XMC will not need changing based on using this carrier.
    Please see the XMC Driver manual for the specifics of operating the installed device.

    PCIe8LXMCX2 Manuals

    PCIe8LXMCX2 Hardware Design Manual Main product manual with example use, pinouts, specifications and more. Revision 13 PCB and later.