PIM(s) combined with PIM-Carrier facilitates rear panel IO in cPCI based systems using PMCs and XMCs. Instead of trying to connect wires to the backplane pins, a PIM mounted to a PIM-Carrier provides a method of connecting rear panel IO from a cPCI PMC carrier to the rear IO panel. The IO from Jn4/Jn6 is routed to the cPCI connectors allocated to rear IO. The PIM carrier mounts on the underside of the motherboard with the PIMs acting like mini PMCs.

The PMC Carrier routes the PMC IO from P04/P14 to J3/J5. PIM-Carrier-6U routes the IO from J3/J5 to the two PIM positions. The PIMs route the IO to the bezel providing the equivalent of PMC front bezel IO on the rear of the chassis. The PIM can match the pinout of the front bezel IO to allow for common cables to be used for front and rear IO. Alternate connectors and pinouts can also be used.
Dynamic Engineering has several PIM designs to meet your needs. For example PIM-Universal-IO has 1:1 connections from the rear IO to the SCSI connector. The Pn4 "user IO" on the PMC is routed through the host "carrier" board to the backplane. Specialized PIMs can be designed for your requirements. In addition the PIMs and carrier can be integrated for production projects to lower cost and make more extensive use of the rear panel IO space.
The PIM specification provides for power and ground references. The 5V and ground references routed to the PIMs from the defined rear-IO pins.
PIM-Carrier-Dual is compatible with the
cPCIBPMC6UET two position extended temperature PMC carrier. Some carriers use alternate Pin definitions. Please check that the PIM-Carrier-Dual will properly interconnect with your carrier. Please download the
Pin List PDF to see if the PIM-Carrier-Dual matches your intended cPCI carrier board.
To order a "complete system" you will need:
2 PIMs
1 PIM Carrier
2 PMC boards