PCIe1LPCIe104 Description
- Industrial Temperature components
- PCIe 1 Lane Interface
- PCIe104 Positions with PCIe Interface Supporting Gen1(2.5 Gbps) and Gen 2 (5 Gbps) [Gen3 mux in use]
- Plug and Play operation
- Local Switching Power Supply for 5V
- Production and Test postions included
- 1/2 Length PCIe Card
- "Zero Slot Fan"™ Compatible
- 1 Year Warranty Standard. Extended Warranty Available.
- ROHS and Standard Processing Available
Think about design, development, and test of your PCIe104 design using existing PC based tools. Your engineering tools are likely already installed on a PC, and it is more efficient to use the native platform for test too. With your completed design, you have the option to deliver in a PC when stack mounted HW is not required.
PCIe1LPCIe104 has both Test and Production positions with a user selection for which position is active.
The PCIe1LPCIe104 (PCIe to PCIe104) adapter/carrier converter card provides the ability to install a PCIe104 card into a standard PCIe slot. The PCIe1LPCIe104 has a user controlled mux with high speed routing to support two one connector PCIe104 locations on a 1/2 length PCIe card. One position is oriented with the PCIe104 card above the PCIe card to support access to the rear components and access outside of the PC. The second connector is oriented to mount the PCIe104 device within the PCIe mechanical to allow use in a production situation. All routing and components are compatible with Gen1-3 systems.
The one connector implementation supports 5V and 3.3V power supply connections. The 3.3V is routed from the PCIe interface and the 5V is converted from the +12V. 8A at 5V. All industrial temperature components.
The IO area allocated by the PCIe104 specification is left clear to support standard cable options for the module installed
If you have custom requirements please call or e-mail us with the details. We can make customer specific versions of the PCIe1LPCIe104.
PCIe1LPCIe104 Features
Half length PCIe card.
2 PCIe104 position options: Production or Test. Select via shunt.
PCIe reference clock is routed to the PCIe104 module.
Access Width
The PCIe signalling is routed directly to the module from the gold fingers with only a mux in the signal path. All standard PCIe data payloads and control sequences are supported.
IO interface
Standard IO supported with clearance area on PCIe1LPCIe104.
Software Interface
Module register definitions as defined by installed hardware. No software set-up required by PCIe1LPCIe104.
Standard PCIe based interrupts are supported within the data flow. Either MSI or legacy encoded.
+5, +3.3 supplied to module.
Voltage monitor circuits with LED for +3V, +5V, +12V.
STEP files are available to support your system integration. Please contact
sales@dyneng.com for this option.

PCIe1LPCIe104 shown with
PCIe104DIFF installed in test position.
PCIe1LPCIe104 Benefits
Latency to the PCIe104 is optimized with the passive PCIe1LPCIe104 design.
Save money and bring products to market faster by making use of existing PCIe104 designs in PCIe applications without paying for the expense of a new design and layout. Debugging in a PC instead of the target hardware until the PCIe104 design is "qualified" will reduce your T&I time.
Ease of Use
PCIe1LPCIe104 is easy to use. It is a plug and play interface to the PCIe104 site. Two basic versions are included. Development is supported with access to the PCIe104 component side. Production is supported with full mounting and minimized system height. User selectable operation.
We work to keep PCIe1LPCIe104 in stock. Dynamic Engineering can build and deliver products fast through in-house
manufacturing capabilities.
PCIe1LPCIe104 is a half length PCIe board which conforms to the PCIe mechanical specifications. Eliminate mechanical interference issues. PCIe1LPCIe104 can be used in all PCIe slots including the new narrow chassis. Single lane operation means all PCIe connectors are potential sites.
PCIe104 Compatibility
PCIe1LPCIe104 is PCIe104 compliant per the specification. All Dynamic Engineering PCIe104 one connector Modules are compatible with PCIe1LPCIe104. All other PCIe104 Modules, which are compliant with the PCIe104 specifications, are compatible with PCIe1LPCIe104. Please note: some multi-connector implementations may need +12V which is not supplied in the one connector implementation.
PCIe Compatibility
PCIe1LPCIe104 is fully PCIe compliant. The mux and routing are Gen1-3 capable.
Part Number: PCIe1LPCIe104
Ordering Options
- PCIe1LPCIe104 Standard board -PCIe1LPCIe104 with production and test position connectors.
-FAN: Add a zero slot fan to the adapter to help cool your HW. Recommended for high power boards. Blowing air toward installed module. Approximately 5 CFM.
-FANR: Add a zero slot fan to the adapter to help cool your HW. Pulling air away from installed module. Recommended for high power boards. Approximately 5 CFM.
-ROHS Change to ROHS compliant processing.
- -CC Option to add Conformal Coating